More unique, engaging and interactive game show, ideal for:

Tablet Trivia
Tablet Trivia, a revolutionary way of playing trivia in the 21st century, has arrived. In this new trivia game contestants no longer use pens and paper. That’s right! Gone are the days where players use paper answer sheets, swap them with neighboring teams to score, or submit them to the host to score, which causes periodic downtimes for players. So, what has replaced them? Simple, easy-to-use tablets. Each team is provided with one. The tablets enable team scores to be tabulated quickly in real-time by software used by the host, and then projected on a large screen for everyone to easily see. The types of trivia, use of visuals, music and the like are virtually limitless with Tablet Trivia. The future has arrived!
Customized Game Shows
While Doug can tailor the content of any of his existing game shows to meet your needs, if you are looking for something entirely unique and different, he will customize an all new show just for you. Please contact Doug to discuss your specific needs.