Similar to TV’s Family Feud ®
A unique, engaging and interactive game show, ideal for: country club events, corporate team building and morale boosting events, 55+ and over community events, fundraiser entertainment, senior living activities, and private events.
Team Feud is similar to TV’s Family Feud, where 2 teams of 5 people compete against each other, starting with a face off before each game’s round. Doug hosts another game called Group-Team Feud that is also based on Family Feud, but where the whole audience plays at the same time (To see a detailed description of this game as well as pictures and videos, click on the tab, Group-Team Feud on the menu portion on this website.).
While each game of Team Feud is played with 2 teams of 5, a number of alternative options exist to have multiple teams play during an evening. With proper planning, games can be shortened or lengthened based on the number of questions asked in each game to give more people and more teams an opportunity to play.
Just as on TV, an option is for 2 random members of the winning team to play Easy Money (aka Fast Money). This is where they attempt to reach a combined score of 200 or more points (the prize of which goes to the entire team).
(See the video of the Easy Money segment in the Easy Money section down below.).